Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

2018 AGM

Notice of Canadian Radio Yachting Association 2018 Annual General Meeting
(Update 9 July 2018)

The 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Radio Yachting Association will be
held from 09:00 Pacific Daylight Savings Time, May 31, 2018 to 24:00 PDT, July 15,
2018. The meeting will be virtual with discussion facilitated by a Yahoo Groups
Discussion Forum here. Invitations for members to join the forum were sent out at the end of May.
Forum discussions have now ended and are locked.

Voting has now commenced via a Google Form that has been sent to all members in good standing.
The list of motions with background information for context is published here.
The proposed bylaws in Motion 2018-1 Special Resolution are published here.

The results of the 2018 AGM ballots can be found here.
All resolutions and motions were carried and all Regional Directors have been elected.


Old business:
1. Acceptance of 2017 AGM minutes, if available
2. Acceptance of 2017 financial statements located here
3. Acceptance of 2018 budget located here

New business/motions:
4. Repeal of CRYA Constitution
5. Presentation of CRYA Articles (replaces constitution) located here
6. Presentation of revised CRYA By-laws located here
7. Proposed expansion of the board structure to include Regional Directors
8. Nomination of Regional Directors

8.1 Regional Director – Western
8.2 Regional Director – Prairies
8.3 Regional Director – Ontario
8.4 Regional Director – Quebec
8.5 Regional Director – Maritimes

9. Presentation of electronic AGM format
10. Voting or Regional Directors
11. Voting on Motions

Discussion of Resolutions:
To facilitate constructive discussion regarding the proposed resolutions before the
membership, we have chosen create individual Topics to discuss each of the defined
motions in Yahoo Groups.
Members in good standing are being sent an invite to a private Yahoo Group
‘crya2018agm’ in order to participate in the various discussions regarding motions.
If you have any issues regarding access to the forum please contact the CRYA
Communications Director at

Forum/Discussion Etiquette:
1. All submissions to a debate thread must be signed using your name and CRYA membership number.
2. Debate is to be conducted in a civil parliamentary fashion with reference to the
content and rationale of motions. As in parliamentary debate personal references are
prohibited and will be deleted. Since there is no “Speaker” please address the specific
thread by name.
3. If you wish to propose an amendment post your motion in the thread using bold.
Amendments must have the mover and seconder identified including CRYA
Membership Number. Amendments will be discussed inside the thread. If there is
consensus the amendment will be considered “friendly” and reflected in the final ballot.
If there is no consensus the moderator may carry out a poll to test the strength of the
amendment, in order to determine if it has support to become a formal motion in the AGM.
4. CAUTION: Yahoo has removed the edit function in GROUPS. The only way to
rescind a post’s wording is to remove the post then re-insert the response.

Balloting/Voting on Resolutions:
Each member in good standing will receive a ballot/form to vote on each of the
proposed resolutions via email.

May 18 (24:00 PDT) to May 31 (24:00 PDT), 2018
– Acceptance of nominations for Regional Directors and motions from the membership
– Discussion of motions begins
May 31 , 2018 (09:00 PDT)
– AGM called to order
June 9, 2018 (24:00 PDT)
– Nominations for Regional Directors close
– New motions/resolutions close
June 10, 2018 (00:00 PDT)
– Posting of motions in forums
– Posting of nominations in forums
June 11, 2018 (00:00 PDT)
– Discussion/debate opens
July 2, 2018 (24:00 PDT)
– Discussion/debate closes
July 9, 2018 (00:00 PDT)
– Balloting/voting begins
July 19, 2018 (24:00 PDT)
– Balloting/voting closes
July 20, 2018 ( 24:00 PDT)
– Presentation of results of balloting/voting