Jan 20 – CRYA blog articles are now active on the website
In an effort to replace the newsletters which have been sporadically published since 2022, I have posted a series of Articles submitted by members. The links to these posts are in the right hand pane on the home page and can also be found here.
Remember, this is YOUR organization, any articles or events you or your club may have will be published here.
Jan 13 – Mini12 Class rules have been updated
The change is to section 5) Rudder, and can be found here.
Jan 3 – Welcome Jim Goddard, newly appointed CRYA President
Jim has graciously accepted the role of CRYA President.
Jim has been a long standing member of the CRYA, including the Newsletter Editor in the 20teens.
Welcome aboard Jim.
Jan 1 – 2025 CRYA membership dues are now due.
Please visit this page to renew your $10 membership for another year.
The minutes of the 2024 AGM are posted here.
We have elected a full slate of Officers except for the President and Secretary.
We are in dire need to fill these 2 positions, as they are also two of the three financial signing officer positions.
AGM October 26th
The AGM will be held on October 26th via web conferencing. The details were provided in a recent email notice sent to each registered CRYA member. Details are also available in the CRYA Members Only Forum – If you cannot access the Forum, you must register. To register: You need to be a CRYA member in good standing & provide your email address, membership number, postal code and first and last name to register. Once you have registered, an Administrator will approve your access request. Here is the link directly to the registration page.
-=Prior year entries moved to News Archive. See the Information tab on the menu at the top of the screen=-
Canadian Radio Yachting Association
Besides being Canada’s radio sailing authority, and all the technical administration that comes with that responsibility, the CRYA brings together people from all parts of Canada to enjoy a sport that can be enjoyed by young and old. The Social aspects of participating in this sport can be very rewarding, talking boats, building boats, and sailing radio controlled boats, can be enjoyed by all.