Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

Annual Report for 2014

2014 Annual Report

April 11, 2015

Dear CRYA Members,

This page serves as the Annual Report for last season’s activities. Below you will find:

  • Results of the motions proposed in the Virtual AGM
  • Demographic Report of Membership
  • Comments from Membership
  • President’s Report
  • Class Secretaries Report
  • 2014 Financial Statements

Some of this may be repetitive for those of you who participated in the virtual AGM. However, it has been included as this is the Annual Report and is publicly published.


2014 AGM Motions

Motion 1

Motion to change of the CRYA Constitution Section 2:6. Proposed by Steve Kibble. Seconded by Lawrie Niesh.

Original: Elections shall be by ballot every at the end of December in even numbered years. 

Proposed: Elections shall be by ballot at the end of December in odd numbered years. (change highlighted in red)

Explanation: This change to the constitution is to repair an oversight that occurred when it was ratified at the beginning of 2014. The intention is that members of the Executive serve a 2 year term starting at that time. A grammatical error was also fixed.

69 votes for. Zero against. Motion passed.

Motion 2

Motion to change the CRYA Constitution section 10.2. Proposed by Lawrie Niesh, seconded by Steve Kibble

Original: In a Canadian or Regional Championship Regatta all yachts entered in the competition will be required to produce valid measurement certificates or be measured for conformance to the current class specifications prior to the first race. 

Proposed:(10.2(d) In a Canadian or Regional Championship Regatta all yachts entering in the competition are required to produce a Proof of Registration Certificate and if its class rules require it, a Measurement Certificate, before being accepted as an entrant for the event. (changes highlighted in red)

Explanation: This is to add clarity to the situation surrounding the registration and measurement of class boats before a Regional or National regatta. The primary change is the addition of the hull registration certificate as a required element. The final part of the question is revised to ensure that proper procedure is followed during the registration process.

62 votes for. 7 against. Motion passed.

CRYA Demographic Information

It was decided to collect some demographic information from CRYA membership to start to gather some insights on our membership to help guide future growth strategies. Here are the highlights.

AGM Participation

This chart demonstrates the total number of current (2014 and 2015) members and compares them to the number who participated in the AGM.


Age Groups


Our membership is comprised primarily of those in their 60s and 70s. It should be noted that if Calgary is removed from these figures, the 40-49 age group would be nearly non-existent. This demonstrates that the Calgary club has been successful at cultivating a broader range of age groups and perhaps indicates an opportunity for other regions to grow and diversify their membership. More discussion here could be beneficial.



This is probably no surprise to anybody: our hobby seems to be predominantly male oriented.

Comments from Membership

As part of the online AGM, we invited CRYA members to submit their comments. Those comments are posted here, some with responses from your executive.

You should not be asking questions relating to household earnings. I almost did not complete the survey because of this, and I believe that others may not. You cannot continue with the survey if you do not answer that question. That is definitely not something you need to know!

Thanks for this comment. Because of this early response, we changed this question to include the N/A option, to allow those who preferred not to answer to continue to participate.

Should add that competitors National or Regional regattas shall be current members of CRYA or their DNM if a resident of any other country.

This is commonly included in the NOR of most regattas.

Survey is a great idea–thanks for your efforts on our behalf.

This worked well.

Wow! Excellent process for the AGM and a job well done with the association. I will encourage my fellow sailors to ensure their memberships are up to date. Thanks for doing all of this.

I think the electronic AGM is an excellent innovation.

Great work on the website. Keep the updates going!! Thank you.

Income levels are private – as are ages – thet should never be asked!!!

An excellent job by Lawrie and the rest of the executive, notably the insurance ,website

Virtual AGM – a great idea that I hope prooves to be a success.

I find this on-line survey/voting process very effective for the members! Good work.

The use of an online AGM is excellent and good thinking. To what extent is the business of the CRYA executive carried out online (little, about half, most)? Thank you.

The CRYA Executive are spread across the country. Nearly all communication and business activities are carried out online.

Excellent work, congratulations to you and the team

While I’m impressed that the CRYA has about $14000 in surplus funds, I would suggest that the purpose of the organization is NOT to accumulate a large bank account balance. I would like the Executive to develop a plan to put this money to good use for increasing membership, creating awareness and supporting sailing competitions at the national and regional levels. I would be happy to help with this.

This is an excellent comment. The current executive inherited the bulk of these funds. Since that time, two annual expenses have been initiated to use some of the funds to promote sailing. First, an annual insurance policy has been purchased which provides insurance to regional clubs operating events. Second, a policy was put in place to support those attending World Championship events in any class by paying the entry fee for a first-time entrant.

Very happy with the way general business is conducted with addition of pond insurance Is a valuable asset to club

Please keep up the great work.

By retaining the first Regatta etc. or {be measured for conformance to the current classspecifications prior to the first race.} would allow the contestant access to an official measurement.

We’re not 100% sure what is meant by this. But it is up to the event organizers to ensure that official measurement is available at regattas where class rules require it.

Pretty Good!

Great work and presentation!!

I think the process of online AGM voting makes it quite easy to: a) know what issues are changing, and b) for members to have a say. Way to go execs!

Congratulations on this online AGM initiative. It makes good sense for obvious reasons. It is nice to be able to participate in the decision making without having to travel.

very good web work, well done.

How do we obtain these certificates? (Voting item 2)

Check with your class secretary.

Thanks you for your efforts on behalf of all members.

President’s Report

After the work involved with incorporation the year passed comparatively quietly from the executive’s point of view. The Association’s financial year is from December 1st membership renewals come in during December, January and February but continue to come in throughout the year along with new memberships. The year produced a modest increase in membership of approximately 12%. We are now issuing membership numbers approaching 1,200. During 2013 and early 2014 the database was cleaned up which resulted in a renumbering of members from approximately number 100 up. Registration of new boats plus transfers of ownership of boats continued throughout the year and the total registered has reached the mid 1700’s. Along with the renumbering of members came the problem of reattaching boats to the new numbers. This has been completed. The year saw the appearance of the Dragon Force which has boosted the RG65 class to recognition status. Viewing the table below shows the IOM and Soling classes have the largest number of boats owned by current members. What is not shown is that the predominant boat in the West is the IOM while in the East the Soling is the boat. Both classes held National and Regional Championships with the IOM Western having the largest fleet.

Class Status February 1st


Active means the owner is a current member – the boat may or may not be so. In accordance with the Racing Rules of Sailing, the Executive made available personal sail numbers to members. This does not replace the boat’s hull registration number but is of advantage to skippers who swop sails between boats or have a personal lucky number. I will not mention those who have trouble remembering which boat they are sailing! There are one hundred such numbers from 0 to 99 assigned to each region. It is unfortunate that this was not available to members earlier as it may have reduced the problems we have with hull registration numbers contravening class regulations and apparently issued at random. The Association moved to a dependence on our website for operation and this has resulted in a considerable saving in operating costs. During the early part of the year some frustration was experienced with delays in maintenance and operation of the site which resulted in expense which might have been avoided. I am happy to say that since our secretary undertook the operation of the site things have been much better. However, the website need much more participation by the class secretaries and regional directors in adding content and much of this is undeveloped During the year the executive approved assistance to the two Canadian entries to the IOM World Championship in the form of their entry fees. This is attributed to the year 2015. The Executive also agreed to waive membership fees for junior members attending an educational institute.

Class Secretaries Reports

For this AGM we have received reports from various class secretaries. The introductions are below. You can click to  read further.

IOM Class Secretary Report – from John Ball

Three Major Ranking Regattas were held in Canada in 2014:

  • Beaver Fever March 22/23 2014
  • Western Canadian Region Championship June 6/7/8 2104 Salt Spring Island
  • Canadian National Championship, Kingston, Sept 12/14 2014

My thanks to the hard working organizers who give up their racing to stage these events – without such willing volunteers, there would be no racing. Gathering the points from the designated Canadian and USA regattas over 2013 and 2014, the Canadian IOM Rankings Top Ten skippers are… click to read more   Soling Class Secretary Report from Paul Switzer 2014 Activities Canadian Championships were hosted by Metro Marine Modellers of Toronto June 20 – 22 2014 attended by 24 sailors from Canada and the USA. Canadians as far away as Halifax and Americans from as far away as Florida competed won by Jim Goddard of Dartmouth NS. Hudson YC, Quebec hosted…

click to read more

 Victoria Class Secretary Report from John McKinney

A summary of 2014 activities is available on page 19 of the last years CRYA Fall newletter.

There will be a 2015 Canadian Victoria Nationals held September 4th through 6th hosted by the Woodstock Model Sailing Club in Woodstock, Ontario. Details will be available early in April. [Editor: since submission of this report, the NOR has been posted via the CRYA online calendar of evvents]

There will be a 2015 Ontario Region Victoria Championship Regatta hosted by Metro Marine Modelers Sail Division held August 23rd.

US 1 Meter Class Secretary Report from John Helmer

The US1M Fleet has shown very little activity over a number of years. When I took over as Class Secretary in 2010,I did a nationwide email survey in October 2010 to ascertain participation across the country. It was determined at that time that the only activity was in Ontario. I believe that remains the case with probably the only active fleet with regularly scheduled weekly racing based here in Windsor, Ontario. In 2010 the CRYA active registration for US1M’s was roughly 25. Total boats in the registry archived over the years exceeded…

click to read more


2014 CRYA Financial Statement

30th November 2014

Cash and equivalents……………       775.41
Short term investment…………     14,000.00 **
Accounts receivable ………………          NIL
TOTAL Assets…………………     $14775.41
Membership revenue……………..     1969.74*
Boat registration…………………..       236.56
PSN…………………………………        46.50
Interest and PayPal……………….          0.09
Transfer from old CYRA account..   13017.48
Opening balance………………….        230.00*
TOTAL  Income…………………    $15533.77
Website…………………………….       393.76
Stationary/ Mail……………………       118.13
Office supplies…………………….        167.97
Bank Charges……………………..         78.50
TOTAL expenses…………………        758.36
Net Income………………………     $14775.41
  • GST not applicable
  • *The opening balance of $230 is mainly memberships and boat registrations deposited prior to incorporation.
  • ** $14,000 two term deposits of $6,000 and two term deposits of $1,000


Active members for 2014 /2015  – this includes  new members and members from 2014 who have not yet renewed their membership.  All 2014 members not renewing by 1st March will become inactive     
BC ………40
AB ………12
ON ………103
QC ………20
NS ………16

2015 Budget

Memberships                  $2,400
Boat registration           $200
Interest                             $140
Balance from 2014         $775
Total                                   $3515
Insurance                         $1,100
Website Hosting            $300
Mailing CRY                    $300
Office                                  $250
Web site, maint.            $450
WC entry assistance    $1000
Total                                  $3400
Surplus                              $115
Funds in Term Deposits.
Redeemable annually $12,000 in two units of $6,000
Redeemable monthly    $2,000 in two units of $1,000


Annual Report assembled by Steve Kibble, CRYA Executive Secretry

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