Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

International One Metre


About the IOM 

The International One Metre (IOM) class is the most popular racing class in the world. The class is popular as its size and weight make it easily portable in a smaller car and airplane travel is possible – encouraging national and international competition unmatched by any other class. The IOM is similar to the International Marblehead class, but smaller and much less expensive, yet large enough to sail well even in big waters and waves. Fast, responsive and just plain fun to sail and race.

The IOM allows a maximum of just three (one-design) rigs, for different wind conditions up to full gale. The hull has minimum and maximum weights on the keel and overall boat, and restricts the hull material. The net effect of these constraints is that the typical cost spiral of lighter weight, and more expensive materials and manufacturing processes, is arrested. This allows amateur designers and builders a chance to design and build with little concern that they are building in a disadvantage due to weight..

We try to keep this site the center of class related news. We hope to provide a wide spectrum of information and will include some details of International Events taking place, that skippers may wish to follow or even participate.

The idea is to bring together all IOM related information in one place: Race announcements and results, ranking lists,  IOMICA news, updates from clubs and districts and anything else IOM related.

The site will rely a great deal on content from you, the registered owners who wish to pass on your experiences and information. Therefore, please feel free to send me anything you think might be of interest

Please feel free to let me know what you’d like to see on here & I’ll endeavor to include your contributions, articles and photographs.

Latest IOM News and Information

Canadian IOM  Ranking System

IOMICA official forum


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