Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

Club Affiliation Request

This page is to allow your club to apply to the CRYA as an affiliated club.

There is a very good reason for your club to seek formal CRYA affiliation and affiliation is FREE! All we ask is that your club agree to encourage any sailboat racing members to join CRYA.

The CRYA uses a direct membership model – you are the member and pay your annual dues to CRYA. But you also belong to a local club, and that club organizes your sailing regattas. Your regattas are run under the Racing Rules of Sailing (The RRS), and the RRS has a section called Part 7 Race Organization, which describes how races are to be organized. RRS 89.1(c) recognizes the concept of an Affliated Club – a club that is connected to its National Authority (in our case the CRYA) as being a body that may host a race or regatta.

Once your club has been accepted as a CRYA affiliated club, it will be listed on the CRYA web site Club Network page together with your provided contact information and a link to your club web site.

For the purpose of this Affiliation Request form, there are two levels of model boat club.

Registered Clubs – Larger clubs may have registered with their provincial government as a corporation, such as a ‘Not for Profit’. Such clubs have list of designated signing officers (President, Secretary, Treasurer etc), and one of these officers, must make the application on behalf of your club.

Unregistered Clubs – Smaller clubs may be an informal group of sailors who have no official registration as a provincial corporation.  In this case the application may be made by any three club members who are CRYA members in good standing.




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