Canadian IOM Ranking System
December 2022
Update of CRYA IOM Ranking System approved by Board
The original IOM Ranking system was based on there being regular World and Continental Championships in alternate years on a two-year cycle. However, the shut down of both the International Championships and our qualifying events made the system unworkable – and a temporary fix was to only include two years where there were at least three ranking events.
The purpose of this updating of the IOM Ranking system is to ‘future’ proof it, in case there are any unanticipated negative events.
The proposed scoring of events remains unchanged, but the main feature of the proposal is to tie the included range of events to the IOMICA announcements of World or Continental Championship dates. A championship event is usually announced about 18 months in advance, but the important date is the date by which a member nation must submit its list of skippers. This date may be 4 or 6 months in advance of the regatta date. This is to allow for processing applications and completing a complex qualifying process. To enable the CRYA to select its top qualifying skippers, the ranking proposal is to set the ranking cut off date to be 30 days prior to the Championship Close of Entries date. That gives us the time to notify skippers and for them to decide if they wish to attend.
Having cut off the qualifying events at 30 days prior to Championship Close, the proposal then starts a new qualifying period for the next Championship of the same type. So, there would be an overlapping retention of data covering both the World and the Continental events.
The revised IOM Ranking system follows.
CRYA IOM Ranking System
Purpose. Purpose is to determine the priority for selecting the best performing skippers to attend the IOM World or Continental or Regional Championship where allocated attendance is limited per country.
The ranking will be based on regatta finish positions at certain sanctioned IOM regatta designated as eligible events for the included period.
Eligible Events for Canadian Rankings. Certain Canadian regattas will be designated as Ranking events and each Region may hold up to two Ranking events per year, these being the CRYA sanctioned Regional Championships, plus the CRYA sanctioned National Championship Regatta.
The US already has a system of designating their Ranking regattas. For inclusion in the Canadian Rankings, only certain US events will count, and these are the US National and Regional Championship events. Excluded are those designated as Annual Club recurring events.
Attendance at a World or Continental Championship may be counted while representing Canada.
Points are obtained for your best four Canadian Ranking events per year plus your best two US ranking events per year, plus one World or Continental Championship event per year.
Included Period. The included period starts one month prior to the close of entry of a given World or Continental Championship event, with all scores set to zero, and the rankings will be finalised one month prior to the open of entries for the next equivalent Championship event .
The Scoring system rewards skippers attending qualifying regattas and starting in at least one race with 10 points,
Plus one point for each boat beaten that started in at least one race
Plus bonus points for a top four finish (10 points for first, 6 for second, 4 for third and 2 for fourth).
It also awards points to a sailor who stands down from racing to help run the event (10 points).
Here is an update of the skipper rankings based on the new system as of December 5, 2022.
October 2022
Here is the latest IOM skipper rankings.
June 2022
Some ranking entries were omitted in the last update.
Here is the revised Canadian IOM skipper ranking.
April 2022
These are the latest rankings which will be used for the coming WCR.
October 2021
These are the Canadian IOM ranking scores based on the updated wording below.
May 2020 – The last Canadian IOM Ranking is posted here.
Due to Covid-19 isolation and distancing rules, there are no Canadian IOM Ranking Events currently scheduled for 2020.
The 2020 European Championship Regatta has been postponed to 2021 and the 2021 World Championship Regatta has been postponed until 2022. With this in mind, there is a motion before the CRYA board to update the ranking score system as follows:
The Ranking will include points gained for the previous calendar year, plus the current calendar year.
The Ranking will include points gained for the current calendar year and the previous calendar year where there have been at least 3 Canadian ranking events.
Some suggestions were put forward to change &/or update the ranking system further. A thread has been created here for IOM owners to discuss further and possibly vote on changes to the ranking system.
Example: 2021 has 2 Canadian RCRs and one NCR prior to the WCR being held in 2022, then the scores from 2019 and 2021 will be used, since there will be less than 3 ranking events in 2020.
Please check the IOMICA web page here for the latest news.
Effective October 31st 2017.
Eligible Events for Canadian Rankings:
- Certain Canadian regattas will be designated as Ranking events and each Region may hold up to two Ranking events per year. The US already has a system of designating their Ranking regattas. For inclusion in the Canadian Rankings, only certain US events will count; and these are the US National and Regional Championship events. Excluded are those designated as Annual Club recurring events.
- Attendance at a World or Continental Championship may be counted.
- Points are obtained for your best four Canadian Ranking events plus your best two US ranking events per year plus a World and/or Continental Championship event per year.
The Ranking will include points gained for the previous calendar year, plus the current calendar year. The Scoring system rewards attending regattas and starting in at least one race with 10 points,
- Plus one point for each boat beaten that started in at least one race
- Plus bonus points for a top four finish (10 points for first, 6 for second, 4 for third and 2 for fourth).
- It will also awards points to a sailor who stands down from racing to help run the event (10 points).
Example 1:
The WCR is held after June 30th and the cutoff date for entries is 6 months prior to the event – January 1st or later. The ranking events that count towards this are up to four Canadian ranking events and your best two US ranking events in the year prior to the WCR, plus your best 4 Canadian and best 2 US ranking events held in the same year as the WCR.
Example 2:
The WCR is held on or before June 30th, then the registration cutoff date is before December 31st in the previous year. Regattas held the previous year and the year prior to that are eligible for ranking status based on the best four CAN and two USA annual events.