Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

Racing Documents

CRYA ‘Standard’ Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for 2021 – 2024        

Club Affiliation

To host any regatta that uses the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the host club must be affiliated with the CRYA. An affiliated club is one that has requested affiliation to CRYA, has at least three CRYA members in good standing, and agrees to encourage all yacht racing members to join CRYA and register their boats. Club Affiliation to CRYA is free but your club must apply. The Club Affiliation request form is here

To check if your club has already affiliated with CRYA see the Club Network page here

Regional and National Championship Regatta Minimum Standards

A National Championship must offer at least two days of racing. These events are a ‘big deal’ and must be big enough to justify skippers traveling some distance to attend. A Regional Championship may offer only one day of racing.

Notice of Race – NOR

The CRYA provides a model (or skeleton) Notice of Race (NOR) for use in regattas, especially CRYA sanctioned Regional and National Class Championship events. This model NOR meets the minimum mandatory requirements as set out in the Racing Rules of Sailing (the RRS) Appendix K. Remember to give at least three months lead times for publication in the Newsletter.

Download Model NOR here

Sailing Instructions – SI

The CRYA provides a model (or skeleton) set of Sailing Instructions (SI) for use in CRYA sanctioned Regional and National Class Championship events and as a recommended starting point for your club and local events. We have prepared a CRYA Model set of SI to go with the current RRS and it is available here.

Download Model SI here 

If you have any questions about the Standard NOR or SI, or would like me to review your customized regatta NOR and SI, please email

Scoring Systems

Additional information and download for the latest version of the  HMS Scoring system is available here. The zip file contains both the Excel Worksheet and a PDF of the instructions.

How to gain approval for a CRYA Sanctioned National or Regional Championship Regatta

The process for requesting a Regional or National Championship Regatta is listed in section 16 of the CRYA bylaws. Some key items are listed here.

The Requesting club contacts the Class Secretary and Regional Director to coordinate dates to avoid conflict with other events, including those of other classes. Then the request comes to the Board for approval. The role of the Class Secretary is to coordinate the date with other events of your class and to allocate events around the country to promote class involvement and development. The role of the Regional Director is to coordinates with dates of other events in the region.

With the assistance of the Class Secretary, the Host Club prepares a draft Notice Of Race (NOR) from the model NOR on the web site and sends it to the  for proofreading and approval (and for board approval if it contains anything unusual or contentious).

Once approved, we post the event NOR on the web site in the calendar of events and in the magazine. Check the publication dates of the magazine for lead times  – best to allow three months lead time.

Closer to the event and with the assistance of the Class Secretary, the Host Club prepares the draft Sailing Instructions (SI) from the model SI on the web site and sends that to  for proof reading and approval (and again for board approval if it contains anything unusual or contentious). Once approved, the SI are added to the calendar page for your event on the web site.

For local area and club events, you do not need any CRYA approval, but you are welcome to use the model NOR and SI for your event. If you wish to have your NOR and SI reviewed, send them to for feedback.

Sail Canada Code of Conduct

Sail Canada has announced a Code of Conduct and as CRYA is affiliated to Sail Canada, this applies us. The document may be downloaded here

The opening points of the Code are copied below to give you a sense of its intent.
Sail Canada Code of Conduct
1. Purpose and Scope
1.1. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to ensure that a safe and positive environment is possible at all times within Sail Canada programs, activities and events, by making Sail Canada participants aware that there is an expectation of appropriate behaviour consistent with the Sail Canada core values of integrity, adaptability, collaboration and respect, inclusiveness, accountability and leadership.
1.2. This Code of Conduct identifies the standard of behaviour that is expected of all Sail Canada participants.

Additional useful downloads

The World Sailing 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing (the current version) as well as the new 2025-2028 version may be downloaded here.

A short review of changes for the new 2025-2028 RRS compiled by John Ball can be found here.

All the WS Rules documents, including the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) and the study version of the RRS, which discusses the background of the RRS changes may be found here

The WS Case Book may be downloaded here

The WS Call Book for Radio Sailing (formerly the IRSA Case Book) may be downloaded here

The IRSA SYRPH (System for Reducing Protest Hearings) may be downloaded here

Race Management Training

If you would like to learn more about how to be a Race Officer, here is a useful guide from New Zealand.

There is also an excellent on-line tutorial that covers similar material.

Both were developed by Glenn Dawson of Australia,