Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing


Currently the RG65 class in Canada has fewer than 20 boat owners registered, which according to our bylaws means it is not an officially sanctioned class in Canada.

RG65sThe RG65 is a development class for 65 cm long radio controlled yachts which means that anything not mentioned in the rules is allowed.  The simple rules are designed to encourage people to try new ideas at a modest cost. One of the ideals for the RG65 class was to be able to transport the boat easily.

The class has its origins in Argentina during the 1950’s and adopted radio control towards the end of the seventies.

Plus points for the class are:

  •     Light weight (around 1kg);
  •     Compact enough to fit in a small car fully rigged;
  •     No need for special heavy duty sail servos;
  •     Hulls built in balsa wood are little heavier than expensive carbon fibre moldings.

The RG65 Class Rules are available here. rg65rules2014