Canadian Radio Yachting Association, RC Sailing

CRYA Policies and Practices

How to become a CRYA Class Secretary or CRYA Official Measurer or CRYA Official Class Measurer

To function properly, the CRYA needs volunteers to help run the classes. This page details how to become a Class Secretary or Measurer,

Appointing a CRYA Class Secretary.

  1. For each CRYA class that does not have a Class Owner’s Association, the CRYA may appoint a Class Secretary to coordinate that class’s affairs as provided in the Bylaws. Candidates may volunteer or be suggested by the outgoing Class Secretary, or by class members or a Regional Director. A candidate shall be a CRYA member in good standing and is widely considered within that class as knowledgeable and respected and have appropriate skills and experience.
  2. If more than one candidate, the board may conduct a poll of the class members.
  3. The Regional Director moves and Technical Director seconds the nomination to the Board as a motion, for Board approval.
  4. Upon approval, the Class Secretary’s name is added to the Contact Page and/or to the Class Page on the CRYA web site.

Appointing a CRYA Official Measurer

  1. Any CRYA member in good standing may recommend to their Regional Director or to the Technical Director, a candidate to be designated as a CRYA Official Measurer as defined in the CRYA Bylaws. The candidate shall be a CRYA member in good standing and have the appropriate skills and background.
  2. The Regional Director moves and Technical Director seconds the nomination to the Board as a motion, for Board approval.
  3. If approved, the new CRYA Official Measurer will be supplied with a CRYA stamp and/or stickers, and may be supplied with other materials and equipment as appropriate. CRYA provided equipment remains the property of CRYA, and upon retirement of the measurer, may be returned or transferred to an incoming measurer.
  4. The CRYA Official Measurer’s name is added to the Measurers list on the CRYA web site.

Appointing a CRYA Official Class Measurer

  1. For any specific class requiring measurement or inspection to confirm that a boat complies with its class rules, any CRYA member in good standing may suggest to the appropriate Class Secretary a candidate. A candidate shall be a CRYA member in good standing and be widely considered within that class as knowledgeable and respected and have the appropriate skills and experience.
  2. The Class Secretary recommends to the appropriate Regional Director and Technical Director, the name of a candidate, together with a summary of their class experience.
  3. The Regional Director moves and Technical Director seconds the nomination to the Board as a motion, for Board approval.
  4. If approved, the new CRYA Official Class Measurer will be supplied with a CRYA stamp and/or stickers, and may be supplied with other materials and equipment as appropriate. CRYA provided equipment remains the property of CRYA, and upon retirement of the measurer may be returned or transferred to an incoming measurer.
  5. The CRYA Official Class Measurer’s name is added to the Measurers list and/or to the Class Page on the CRYA web site.